Solar Air Heating & Ventilation Quote Form
Contact Details:
Which criteria most describes your preferred application? (Select all that apply)
Moisture reduction is often preferred in wet rooms such as bathrooms, laundries, etc. Do you have any rooms you would like to apply this to?
Home Layout
What is the size of the space you wish to heat? (Total size)
To help us make the best assessment, please submit your home floor plans here.
Or provide a link to plans online:
Upload up to 3 images (e.g. rooms the application will target, roof, ceiling cavity)
The Collectors must face north for optimum performance
The Collector must also be as close as possible to the outlet vent for the room being heated
Will you require the system to be installed for you?
**To ensure we are able to provide you with the best customer experience, please agree to the below statement, especially if email is your preferred method of contact.
Solar Light Whiz uses emails to automatically send you important information related to your enquiry and only sends marketing and promotional material a few times each year.**
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